Word Play: Dandering in a Literary Cityscape

Start date and time

Friday 23 February 2018


Friday, 23 February, 2018 - 10:00 to 16:30 G.06 50 George Square Central Area

As part of the Festival of Creative Learning at the University of Edinburgh, this workshop brings together a unique literary map of Edinburgh (www.litlong.org) with a visual artist and storyteller to explore, play and create with words, images and ideas connecting us to our literary surroundings.

Beginning with a live storytelling walk near George Square, participants will return to our workshop space with collections of literary excerpts, notes, photographs and ideas based on their engagement with the city. Mental parkour, storymaking, word play and imagery will be used to create new works in reponse to LitLong.

Book your place at http://www.festivalofcreativelearning.ed.ac.uk/event/word-play-dandering-literary-cityscape