Centre for Social Informatics PhD student Lyndsey Jenkins wins John Campbell Trust travel bursary
Centre for Social Informatics PhD student Lyndsey Jenkins has won a John Campbell Trust travel bursary.

Date posted

11 July 2017

Lyndsey will use the bursary later in 2017 to support a visit to Turku, Finland, where she will gather case study data for her ESRC-funded doctoral study on workplace learning and innovative work behaviours. Professor Gunilla Widén, and other members of the Information Studies group at Åbo Akademi University, will host Lyndsey’s visit. Lyndsey also intends to deliver a seminar presentation on her study while she is with Gunilla’s team.

For further details please see: https://hazelhall.org/2017/07/10/congratulations-lyndsey-jenkins-awarded-a-john-campbell-trust-travel-bursary/