Update! Success for members of Bio-Inspired Special Interest Group.
Congratulations to the following SIG members who have the following papers accepted at upcoming international conferences:
Alife 2016 (Cancun, Mexico) Simon Powers. The institutional approach for modeling the evolution of human societies
EvoSTAR 2016 (Portugal), Springer: Ahmed Salah, Emma Hart and Kevin Sim: Validating the Grid Diversity Operator: an Infusion Technique for Diversity Maintenance in Population-based Optimisation Algorithms
GECCO 2016 (Denver, USA), ACM: Kevin Sim and Emma Hart: "A Combined Generative and Selective Hyper-heuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem
WCCI 2016 (Vancouver, Canada), IEEE: Eduardo Segredo, Ben Paechter and Emma Hart. A Hybrid Parameter Control Approach Applied to a Diversity-based Multi-objective Memetic Algorithm for Frequency Assignment Problems