19 October 2017
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
681 Precision instruments & other devices
Edinburgh Napier Funded
Essa, A., Al-Dubai, A. Y., Romdhani, I., & Esriaftri, M. A. (2017). A New Weight based Rotating Clustering Scheme for WSNs. In 2017 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC)https://doi.org/10.1109/ISNCC.2017.8072000
School of Computing
ProfessorSchool of Computing Engineering and the Built Environment
0131 455 2796
Associate ProfessorSchool of Computing Engineering and the Built Environment
0131 455 2726
Research StudentSchool of Computing
0131 455 2744
WSNs; Distributed clustering; Routing; Network lifetime.
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