Research Output
An Auditable Framework for Evidence Sharing and Management using Smart Lockers and Distributed Technologies: Law Enforcement Use Case
  This paper presents a decentralised framework for sharing and managing evidence that uses smart lockers, blockchain technology, and the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). The system incorporates Hyperledger Fabric blockchain for immutability and tamper-proof record keeping and employs cryptographic measures to protect the confidentiality of shared and stored evidence. IPFS is employed for secure and efficient storage of digital evidence, while smart lockers provide a solution for managing physical-digital evidence All actions performed on IPFS or smart lockers are recorded on the blockchain, guaranteeing a comprehensive and auditable chain of custody report at the end of an investigation. The goal of this framework is to improve the security, integrity, and accessibility of all digital evidence types, thereby enhancing the efficiency and reliability of investigative processes.


Onyeashie, B., Leimich, P., McKeown, S., & Russell, G. (2024). An Auditable Framework for Evidence Sharing and Management using Smart Lockers and Distributed Technologies: Law Enforcement Use Case. In Big Data Technologies and Applications (156-167).



Blockchain; Smart Locker; Hyperledger; IPFS; Smart Contracts; Encryption

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