Research Output
Cross-Layer Multipath Multichannel MAC protocol for MANETs
  Utilising multiple disjoint paths in multiple channels can improve network performance by enabling a node to reroute data along discovered paths seamlessly when link failure is detected. However, depending on a stale route to recover from a broken link could increase the delay to recover from the broken link and degrade the network performance. In this paper, we propose a new MAC protocol (RIVC-MB) to enhance communication reliability in the multipath multichannel routing protocol. The reliability of transmitting/re-routing the data packet in multipath multichannel routing protocol is improved by providing early route invalidity detection and early switchover. Waiting time to access the medium is also improved, when a node is attempting to access a busy medium, by re-routing the data packet via the alternative route. The RIVC-MB protocol uses the cross-layer interaction between MAC and routing protocols to achieve these goals. The proposed protocol is implemented and extensively evaluated using NS-2 simulator. Simulation results show that the new proposed protocol improves the end-to-end delay, and reduces both the number of route error control packets and the number of dropped data packets in the routing layer. It also reduces the collisions rate in the MAC layer in a dense network.

  • Date:

    12 November 2018

  • Publication Status:


  • DOI:


  • Library of Congress:

    QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science

  • Dewey Decimal Classification:

    006 Special Computer Methods

  • Funders:

    Heriot Watt University


Mirza, N., Taylor, H., Abdelshafy, M., King, P., Romdhani, I., & Alghamdi, A. (2018). Cross-Layer Multipath Multichannel MAC protocol for MANETs. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC)



MAC protocol, MANETs, Route validity detection, Multipath Multichannel routing, Reliability, IEEE 802.11, Backoff, Switchover

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    Cross-Layer Multipath Multichannel MAC Protocol For MANETs


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