Research Output
Developing the behavioural rules for an agent-based model of pedestrian movement.
  The PEDFLOW project aims to develop a realistic and flexible planning tool capable of simulating the effects of microscopic environmental layout on various aspects of pedestrian movement. Behavioural research can help establish realistic values for such variables as walking speed and personal space, and, by comparing the ‘input’ and ‘output’ from a range of different, naturalistic scenarios, develop realistic behavioural ‘rules’ that underpin the movement decisions of individual pedestrians.

  • Type:

    Conference Paper (unpublished)

  • Date:

    01 September 2000

  • Publication Status:


  • Library of Congress:

    QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science


Willis, A., Kukla, R., & Kerridge, J. (2000, September). Developing the behavioural rules for an agent-based model of pedestrian movement. Paper presented at 25th European Transport Congress, Cambridge, UK



Pedestrian behaviour; pedestrian movement; urban planning; transport infra-structure; walking strategies; planning for pedestrians;

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