Research Output
Exemplary: 150 Years of the MAK from Arts and Crafts to Design, Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art Vienna
  New research work (2012), Light-emitting Paper Strips was represented as part of a collaborative publication, E-Textile Swatch Exchange Swatchbook 2013 for the international exhibition, Exemplary: 150 Years of the MAK from Arts and Crafts to Design, Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art (MAK), Vienna. The exhibition showcased an inspiring juxtaposition between the tradition-steeped MAK Collection and contemporary avant-garde design.

The swatchbook is a platform for sharing physical work samples in the field of electronic textiles. The collection of samples were produced by 24 individuals with diverse links to the international etextile community, including academic researchers, textile designers, industrial designers, artists, electrical engineers and enthusiastic makers.

The exchange of samples emphasizes the importance of physicality and quality workmanship in an increasingly digital world. Individuals and collaborative efforts participate in the exchange by submitting a unique swatch design of their own, and in turn receive a compiled collection of everybody else’s swatches.

Light-emitting Paper Strips was based on research findings from a Creative Scotland ConTEXT Artist in Residency award, Heriot-Watt University and a Creative Scotland Craft Maker Award (2012).

The Swatchbook was also selected for the International Symposium of Wearable Computers, 2014 Design Exhibition, EMP Museum Seattle, USA.

Video Documentation: 2013 Swatchbook Exchange is available on the following link:

  • Type:


  • Date:

    11 June 2014

  • Publication Status:


  • Library of Congress:

    NK Decorative arts Applied arts Decoration and ornament

  • Dewey Decimal Classification:

    729 Design & decoration


Taylor, S., Scholz, B., Hertenberger, A., Contrechoc, B., Stewart, B., Kurbak, E., …Nachtigall, T. R. Exemplary: 150 Years of the MAK from Arts and Crafts to Design, Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art Vienna. Exhibited at Vienna, Austria. 11 June 2014 - 5 October 2014. (Unpublished)



E-Textile; Swatchbook; Exchange of Physical Work; Samples; Community; Documentation

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