Research Output
Minimum dry density in terms of grading entropy coordinates
  In this paper, the grading entropy method is applied together with advanced interpolation methods in order to establish empirical relationships between grading entropy coordinates and minimum dry density of sands. Three databases consisting of 94 samples (in total) of artificial mixtures of natural sands with fractal or continuous grain size distributions were used to evaluate three different types of empirical relationship. Whilst some databases have been previously published, recently acquired data has also been considered. The results show that there is a strong relationship between grading entropy coordinates and the minimum dry density.


Imre, E., Barreto, D., Datcheva, M., Singh, V. P., Baillie, W., Feng, S., & Firgi, T. (2023). Minimum dry density in terms of grading entropy coordinates. In A. Zhussupbekov, A. Sarsembayeva, & V. N. Kaliakin (Eds.), Smart Geotechnics for Smart Societies: Proceedings of the 17th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (17th ARC, Astana, Kazakhstan, 14-18 August, 2023) (402-406).


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