Research Output
On the challenges of jointly optimising robot morphology and control using a hierarchical optimisation scheme
  We investigate a hierarchical scheme for the joint optimisation of robot bodies and controllers in a complex morphological space. An evolutionary algorithm optimises body-plans while a separate learning algorithm is applied to each body generated to learn a controller. We investigate the interaction of these processes using a weak and then strong learning method. Results show that the weak learner leads to more body-plan diversity but that both learners cause premature convergence of body-plans to local optima. We conclude with suggestions as the framework might be adapted to address these issues in future.

  • Date:

    07 July 2021

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Goff, L. K. L., & Hart, E. (2021). On the challenges of jointly optimising robot morphology and control using a hierarchical optimisation scheme. In GECCO '21: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion (1498-1502).



learning, evolution, morphology, optimisation

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