Research Output
PAN-DOMAIN: Privacy-preserving Sharing and Auditing of Infection Identifier Matching
  The spread of COVID-19 has highlighted the need for a robust contact tracing infrastructure that enables infected individuals to have their contacts traced, and followed up with a test. The key entities involved within a contact tracing infrastructure may include the Citizen, a Testing Centre (TC), a Health Authority (HA), and a Government Authority (GA). Typically, these different domains need to communicate with each other about an individual. A common approach is when a citizen discloses his personally identifiable information to both the HA a TC, if the test result comes positive, the information is used by the TC to alert the HA. Along with this, there can be other trusted entities that have other key elements of data related to the citizen. However, the existing approaches comprise severe flaws in terms of privacy and security. Additionally, the aforementioned approaches are not transparent and often being questioned for the efficacy of the implementations. In order to overcome the challenges, this paper outlines the PAN-DOMAIN infrastructure that allows for citizen identifiers to be matched amongst the TA, the HA and the GA. PAN-DOMAIN ensures that the citizen can keep control of the mapping between the trusted entities using a trusted converter, and has access to an audit log.


Abramson, W., Buchanan, W. J., Sayeed, S., Pitropakis, N., & Lo, O. (2022). PAN-DOMAIN: Privacy-preserving Sharing and Auditing of Infection Identifier Matching. In 14th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks.



COVID-19; contact tracing; pseudonyms; CL- 15; CL-17; privacy-preserving

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