Research Output
Relating Innovative 2D Ideas into 3D Garments in Terms of Structure, Using ‘Sculptural Form Giving’ as an Intermediate Step in Creation.
  This research focuses on finding a fashion design methodology to reliably translate innovative
two-dimensional ideas on paper, via a structural design sculpture, into an intermediate model.
The author, both as a fashion designer and a researcher, has witnessed the issues which arise,
regarding the loss of some of the initial ideas and distortion during the two-dimensional creative
sketch to three-dimensional garment transfer process. Therefore, this research is concerned with
fashion designers engaged in transferring a two-dimensional sketch through the method
‘sculptural form giving’.
This research method applies the ideal model of conceptual sculpture, in the fashion design
process, akin to those used in the disciplines of architecture. These parallel design disciplines
share similar processes for realizing design ideas. Moreover, this research investigates and
formalizes the processes that utilize the measurable space between the garment and the body, to
help transfer garment variation and scale.
In summation, this research proposition focuses on helping fashion designers to produce a
creative method that helps the designer transfer their imaginative concept through intermediate

  • Publication Status:


  • Library of Congress:

    NC Drawing Design Illustration


Kalkreuter, B., Vettese-Forster, S. & Huang, Y. C. (2010). Relating Innovative 2D Ideas into 3D Garments in Terms of Structure, Using ‘Sculptural Form Giving’ as an Intermediate Step in Creation



Dimensional Transformation; sculptural model; spatial parameter; fashion design method;

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