Research Output
The gamification of cybersecurity training
  Due to the rapidly and continued evolving nature of technology, there is a constant need to update police officers{\textquoteright} training in cyber security to ensure that the UK continues to be a secure place to live and do business. Rather than deliver traditional classroom-based training, our project assesses the effectiveness of the delivery of cyber security through the use of games based learning to simulate cybercrimes and provide training in incident response. The aim of our research is to transform the delivery of first responder training in tackling cybercrime.Through the use of a Game Jam and subsequent prototype development, we have trialed training materials that are based on serious games technology. The game poses a common incident reported to the police, for example the problem of a virtual person receiving offensive messages via Facebook and the training reflects the dialogue with that person and the technical steps to ensure that a copy of the evidence has been preserved for further investigation. Evaluation has been conducted with local police officers. Overall, this approach to the large-scale provision of training (potentially to a whole force) is shown to offer potential.

  • Date:

    31 December 2017

  • Publication Status:


  • Publisher


  • DOI:


  • Funders:

    Historic Funder (pre-Worktribe)


Coull, N., Donald, I., Ferguson, I., Keane, E., Mitchell, T., Smith, O. V., …Tomkins, P. (2017). The gamification of cybersecurity training. In F. Tian, C. Gatzidis, A. El Rhalibi, W. Tang, & F. Charles (Eds.), E-learning and games (108--111).


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