Research Output
The problem of English language export fiction in Europe.
  Translations from the English language domain are reportedly declining, thus suggesting that there is a counter trend in publishing where Anglophone markets are coexisting more favourably alongside small-nation book trades. This article, however, argues that the threat of globalization is growing, with readers bypassing translations of fiction titles and consuming English language editions in their original form. This paper focuses on the relationship European fiction markets have with English language fiction. Initially, a summary of the debate surrounding the prevalence of English language texts in Europe will be presented. Discussion then moves on to consider three book market perspectives on the role of English language fiction in Europe: the UK, Sweden and France. Empirical research includes a range of original interviews with publishing experts from each of the three book markets and seeks to determine whether translations from English are diminishing while consumption of English language export editions is increasing.

  • Type:


  • Date:

    31 December 2015

  • Publication Status:


  • Publisher


  • DOI:


  • ISSN:


  • Library of Congress:

    PR English literature


Craighill, S. (2015). The problem of English language export fiction in Europe. Publishing Research Quarterly, 31, 91-101.



English language; Europe; Fiction; Globalization; Publishing; Translation;

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