Research Output
Understanding the “e‐petitioner”
  Purpose: This article considers the ways in which large-scale e-participation projects can be evaluated. It argues that existing evaluation approaches can be improved upon by taking a closer look at the characteristics of the users of such systems, by estimating their self-efficacy.
Design/methodology/approach: Literature review is followed by the development of relevant research questions, and an assessment of points at which relevant and useful data can be collected in a petitioning process.
Findings: Data relating to self-efficacy, while not simple to collect, can add much to the evaluation process, and has the potential to result in more effective projects and systems.
Research limitations: The findings are specific to one project, EuroPetition, which will allow the co-ordination and submission of cross-border pan-European petitions.
Originality/value: The article represents the first attempt to integrate perspectives derived from social cognitive theory to the evaluation of a large e-participation project. Self efficacy is discussed in terms of both computer self-efficacy and political self-efficacy.

  • Type:


  • Date:

    02 August 2011

  • Publication Status:


  • Publisher


  • DOI:


  • Cross Ref:


  • ISSN:


  • Library of Congress:

    JS Local government Municipal government


Cruickshank, P., & Smith, C. (2011). Understanding the “e‐petitioner”. Transforming government : people, process and policy, 5(4), 319-329.



e-petitions; edemocracy; eparticipation; europetition; international teledemocracy;

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