A biomechanical analysis of British army foot-drill: Implications of lower-extremity musculoskeletal injury in age-matched civilian men and women
  The applied aspects of my research relate to the preparation and performance of armed forces/service personnel based on fundamental scientific theory. I have a practical interest in the efficacy of training methods utilised to maximise operational preparedness and minimise the risk of lower-limb musculoskeletal (MSK) overuse injury within male and female British Army recruit populations. My current research is aimed at identifying specific lower-limb biomechanical risk factors associated with the cyclic high impact loading forces of British army foot-drill via force plate and motion analysis. To date, my research has shown that foot-drills such as stand-at-attention, stand-at-ease, halt and quick-march produce ground reaction forces that significantly increase the risk of such lower-limb MSK overuse injuries as bone stress fractures. I am also investigating the effects of these high impact loading forces of foot-drill on ankle joint proprioception and sensorimotor function via joint positional sense assessment and measures of static and dynamic postural stability (balance). Other areas of interest include foot pressure pedobarography, kinetic and kinematic analysis of human movement, and tactical strength and conditioning, most notably, task and demand analysis of military physical training and occupational activities.

  • Dates:

    2011 to 2019

  • Qualification:

    Doctorate (PhD)

Project Team