Real-time 3D graphic augmentation of music therapy sessions for people on the autism spectrum
  Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder that can affect people in a number of ways, commonly through difficulties in communication. Whilst behavioural interventions are established within ASD treatment, this is not the case with music therapy and creative arts. Improvisational approaches used encourage freedom of expression within individuals, improving confidence and independence. This research focuses on how an interactive audio-visual application, based on Cymatics, could improve communication, social interaction and self-esteem of people on the Autism spectrum.

Literature on Autism and current interventions are reviewed. In additional, the visual representation of music is reviewed from a historical perspective to its current multi-modal status as an interactive form of artistic expression, through to its role in Cymatics. Cymatics studies the resultant geometry of vibration through a variety of mediums, and in recent years has seen the visualisation of music in great detail via water. A prototype tool has been developed and current studies aim to capture the experiences of the users and identify behavioural changes as a result.

  • Dates:

    2015 to 2019

  • Qualification:

    Doctorate (PhD)

Project Team


Research Areas