Efficacy of the descent master training machine
  Descent Master is a novel upper body training tool concept, initially created with the mountain bike market in mind, as this activity requires a stable and robust upper body musculature in order to pilot a bike over technically demanding/rough terrain. The product is based on the experience and expertise of the company and its efficacy is not yet proven. This project will provide this proof and this will be done by analysing and testing athletes using the product in both the Human Performance labs of the University and at the Mountain Bike Centre of Scotland, using the trail network there. This will involve 3 strands to the project. The first will be classic pre-post intervention study investigating the unique benefits of using the descent master. The second study will be a comparison study utilizing the state of the art biomechanics lab at the university to identify the precise musculature used when piloting a mountain bike over uneven terrain and comparing it to the musculature required when using the Descent Master. The final strand is a qualitative study which will use both elite and non-elite focus groups to feedback on the design and function of the kit.

  • Start Date:

    22 January 2018

  • End Date:

    21 May 2018

  • Activity Type:

    Externally Funded Research

  • Funder:

    Scottish Funding Council

  • Value:


Project Team