New Online Local TV News Service - Freakworks
  The company are planning to launch a new division of their business called ‘Leith.TV’. This will be a video-on-demand hyper local news service which will have a focus on Leith centric news. They are aiming to provide their audience with a daily video round up bulletin of local news with an emphasis on showcasing the true Leith as well as showcasing local businesses.

The company has been gathering bulleting content but now some assistance in developing a robust new business model is required that will include: creating a strategy for growth & development, planning & managing resources and news production workflows and rationalising & maximising potential income streams.

  • Start Date:

    9 January 2012

  • End Date:

    31 July 2012

  • Activity Type:

    Externally Funded Research

  • Funder:

    Scottish Funding Council

  • Value:


Project Team