Quantifying metal bioaccumulation in Nephrops norvegicus larvae exposed to cadmium and pile-driving noise
  Quantifying metal bioaccumulation in Nephrops norvegicus larvae exposed to cadmium and pile-driving noise - Understanding the impacts and mechanisms of multiple stressors on marine life is fraught with difficulties arising from potential stressor interactions, both at the biotic and abiotic level. Despite this, multi-stressor studies are becoming increasingly prevalent in environmental science given the increased environmental realism they offer over single stressor investigations. However, to truly reap the benefits of multiple stressor studies, a comprehensive approach is essential, not only with respect to exposure design, but also analytical approaches (Griffen et al., 2016).

  • Start Date:

    1 October 2019

  • End Date:

    18 December 2020

  • Activity Type:

    Externally Funded Research

  • Funder:

    Marine Alliance for Science & Technology for Scotland (Hosted by St Andrew's University)

  • Value:


Project Team