5 results

Systemic analysis of pension systems – macroeconomic flow.

Journal Article
Jaworski, P. M. (2007)
Systemic analysis of pension systems – macroeconomic flow. Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics. 18, 333-346. ISSN 0260-1079

Competitiveness in a globalised world: Michael Porter on the microeconomic foundations of the competitiveness of nations, regions, and firms.

Journal Article
Snowdon, B., & Stonehouse, G. (2006)
Competitiveness in a globalised world: Michael Porter on the microeconomic foundations of the competitiveness of nations, regions, and firms. Journal of International Business Studies, 37, 163-175. https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400190
In this paper, we provide the text of an interview with Professor Michael Porter discussing his research and ideas relating to the microeconomic foundations of global competit...

How ‘modern’ is the Modern Apprenticeship?

Journal Article
Mckay, A., Thomson, E., & Campbell, J. (2005)
How ‘modern’ is the Modern Apprenticeship?. Local Economy, 20(3), 294-304. https://doi.org/10.1080/02690940500190945
Despite the fact that some sectors of industry are facing major skills shortages, the Scottish labour market continues to be characterised by occupational segregation and a la...

Book review -New regional development paradigms Volume 1 - globalization and the new regional development

Journal Article
McQuaid, R. W. (2004)
Book review -New regional development paradigms Volume 1 - globalization and the new regional development. Urban StudieS, 41, 230-232

Mining, migration and mobility: towards an understanding of the relationship between migration and occupation in the context of the UK mining industry.

Journal Article
Hollywood, E. (2002)
Mining, migration and mobility: towards an understanding of the relationship between migration and occupation in the context of the UK mining industry. International Journal of Population Geography, 8, 297-314. https://doi.org/10.1002/ijpg.264
The large-scale decline of the UK mining industry in recent years has led to significant job losses, unemployment and inactivity throughout the coalfields. This paper aims to ...