4 results

Interdisciplinary methodologies in different cultures of learning: Apples and Pears?

Conference Proceeding
Macdonald, I., Firth, R., Foster, M., & Zhou, V. (2014)
Interdisciplinary methodologies in different cultures of learning: Apples and Pears?
This paper explores the reception and analysis of different methodologies in an inter-disciplinary pedagogical collaboration involving Design and Business academics and their ...

Journal of Design Practice and Research, Volume 3, 2014

Lambert, I., Firth, R., MacLeod, M., Forster, S., Innes, M., Winton, E., …Titley, W. (2014)
Journal of Design Practice and Research, Volume 3, 2014. Edinburgh Napier University
Editorial -Welcome to the third issue of the Journal for Design Practice & Research. The last 18 months has been an extremely busy time for us. We have continued to grow as a ...

Journal of Design Practice and Research Volume 2, 2012.

Lambert, I., Firth, R., Forster, S., Innes, M., Macdonald, I., MacLeod, M., …Winton, E. (2012)
Journal of Design Practice and Research Volume 2, 2012. Edinburgh Napier University
Since the publication of the first issue of our journal twelve months ago our team of creative practitioners and academics has expanded (see pages 32-39), as has our work with...

Journal of Design Practice and Research Volume 1. 2011

Journal Article
Lambert, I., MacLeod, M., Firth, R., Winton, E., Dean, M., Innes, M., …Titley, W. (2011)
Journal of Design Practice and Research Volume 1. 2011. Journal of Design Practice and Research, 1, 1-40
What is design and what are designers? Good design can change lives and improve services within the public, private and third sectors. Designers are creative problem solvers w...