12 results

Improving User Confidence in Concept Maps: Exploring Data Driven Explanations

Conference Proceeding
Le Bras, P., Robb, D. A., Methven, T. S., Padilla, S., & Chantler, M. J. (2018)
Improving User Confidence in Concept Maps: Exploring Data Driven Explanations. In CHI '18 Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systemshttps://doi.org/10.1145/3173574.3173978
Automated tools are increasingly being used to generate highly engaging concept maps as an aid to strategic planning and other decision-making tasks. Unless stakeholders can u...

Image-based Emotion Feedback: How Does the Crowd Feel? And Why?

Conference Proceeding
Robb, D. A., Padilla, S., Methven, T. S., Kalkreuter, B., & Chantler, M. J. (2017)
Image-based Emotion Feedback: How Does the Crowd Feel? And Why?. In DIS '17 Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, (451-463). https://doi.org/10.1145/3064663.3064665
In previous work we developed a method for interior designers to receive image-based feedback about a crowd’s emotions when viewing their designs. Although the designers clear...

Understanding Concept Maps: A Closer Look at How People Organise Ideas

Conference Proceeding
Padilla, S., Methven, T. S., Robb, D. A., & Chantler, M. J. (2017)
Understanding Concept Maps: A Closer Look at How People Organise Ideas. In CHI '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (815-827). https://doi.org/10.1145/3025453.3025977
Research into creating visualisations that organise ideas into concise concept maps often focuses on implicit mathematical and statistical theories which are built around algo...

A Picture Paints a Thousand Words but Can it Paint Just One?

Conference Proceeding
Robb, D. A., Padilla, S., Methven, T. S., Kalkreuter, B., & Chantler, M. J. (2016)
A Picture Paints a Thousand Words but Can it Paint Just One?. In DIS '16 Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, (959-970). https://doi.org/10.1145/2901790.2901791
Imagery and language are often seen as serving different aspects of cognition, with cognitive styles theories proposing that people can be visual or verbal thinkers. Most feed...

Well-Connected: Promoting Collaboration by Effective Networking

Conference Proceeding
Robb, D. A., Methven, T. S., Padilla, S., & Chantler, M. J. (2016)
Well-Connected: Promoting Collaboration by Effective Networking. In CSCW '16 Companion Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion, 90-93. doi:10.1145/2818052.2874333
We have developed a method and system that uses mutually agreed problem structuring and self-selection to bring together meeting attendees with complementary interests. The me...

What To Study In HCI? A Reflection Based On CHI and UK Research Data

Presentation / Conference
Padilla, S., Methven, T. S., Robb, D. A., & Chantler, M. J. (2015, April)
What To Study In HCI? A Reflection Based On CHI and UK Research Data. Presented at What to Study in HCI? Workshop at CHI’15: 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
HCI is a wide, varied, and complex field that covers a broad spectrum of research. We therefore believe that there is no simple answer to the question 'what to study in HCI?' ...

I Don't Think We've Met: Encouraging Collaboration via Topic-Based Search

Conference Proceeding
Methven, T. S., Padilla, S., & Chantler, M. J. (2015)
I Don't Think We've Met: Encouraging Collaboration via Topic-Based Search. In CSCW'15 Companion Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference Companion on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing, 29-32. doi:10.1145/2685553.2702678
We present PaperPilot1 (bit.ly/paperpilot) a new tool which performs smart collaborator search using research concepts automatically extracted from the CSCW domain, as charact...

Is British HCI Important? A topic-based comparison with CHI

Presentation / Conference
Padilla, S., Methven, T. S., & Chandler, M. J. (2014, September)
Is British HCI Important? A topic-based comparison with CHI. Paper presented at HCI 2014 - Sand, Sea and Sky - Holiday HCI
We have applied topic modelling to the full-text British HCI and CHI corpora in order to automatically derive one hundred topics and their trends. We use these to compare the ...

Hot topics in CHI: trend maps for visualising research

Conference Proceeding
Padilla, S., Methven, T. S., Corne, D. W., & Chantler, M. J. (2014)
Hot topics in CHI: trend maps for visualising research. In CHI EA '14 CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 815-824. doi:10.1145/2559206.2578867
The aim of this paper is to introduce a novel method of identifying and visualising research trends in an automated, unbiased way. The output of this we call a 'Trend Map', an...

How Well Do Computational Features Perceptually Rank Textures? A Comparative Evaluation

Conference Proceeding
Dong, X., Methven, T. S., & Chantler, M. J. (2014)
How Well Do Computational Features Perceptually Rank Textures? A Comparative Evaluation. In ICMR '14 Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 815-824. doi:10.1145/2578726.2578762
Inspired by studies [4, 23, 40] which compared rankings obtained by search engines and human observers, in this paper we compare texture rankings derived by 51 sets of computa...