10 results

Evolutionary scheduling: a review.

Journal Article
Hart, E., Ross, P., & Corne, D. (2005)
Evolutionary scheduling: a review. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 6, 191-220. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10710-005-7580-7
Early and seminal work which applied evolutionary computing methods to scheduling problems from 1985 onwards laid a strong and exciting foundation for the work which has been ...

The impact of the shape of antibody recognition regions on the emergence of idiotypic networks.

Journal Article
Hart, E. & Ross, P. (2005)
The impact of the shape of antibody recognition regions on the emergence of idiotypic networks. International Journal of Unconventional Computing. 1, 281-313. ISSN 1548-7199
One of the components of an AIS algorithm that most distinguishes it from other paradigms is the use of an affinity funciton. However, for the most part, the implications of c...

Exploiting the analogy between the immune system and sparse distributed memory.

Journal Article
Hart, E., & Ross, P. (2002)
Exploiting the analogy between the immune system and sparse distributed memory. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 4(4), 333-358. doi:10.1023/a:1026191011609
The relationship between immunological memory and a class of associative memories known as sparse distributed memories (SDM) is well known. This paper proposes a new model for...

A role for immunology in 'next generation' robots.

Conference Proceeding
Hart, E., Ross, P., Webb, A., & Lawson, A. (2003)
A role for immunology in 'next generation' robots. In J. Timmis, P. Bentley, & E. Hart (Eds.), Artificial Immune Systems. ICARIS 2003, 46-56. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-45192-1_5
Much of current robot research is about learning tasks in which the task to be achieved is pre-specified, a suitable technology for the task is chosen and the learning process...

Requirements for getting a robot to grow up.

Conference Proceeding
Ross, P., Hart, E., Lawson, A., Webb, A., Prem, E., Poelz, P. & Morgavi, G. (2003)
Requirements for getting a robot to grow up. ISBN 9783540200574

Learning a procedure that can solve hard bin-packing problems: a new GA-based approach to hyperheuristics.

Conference Proceeding
Ross, P., Marin-Blazquez, J. G., Schulenburg, S. & Hart, E. (2003)
Learning a procedure that can solve hard bin-packing problems: a new GA-based approach to hyperheuristics
The idea underlying hyper-heuristics is to discover some combination of familiar, straightforward heuristics that performs very well across a whole range of problems. To be wo...

Solving a real world routing problem using evolutionary agents.

Conference Proceeding
Urquhart, N. B., Ross, P., Paechter, B. & Chisholm, K. (2002)
Solving a real world routing problem using evolutionary agents. ISBN 3540441395
This paper investigates the solving of a real world routing problem using evolutionary algorithms embedded within a Multi-agent system (MAS). An architecture for the MAS is pr...

Hyper-heuristics: learning to combine simple heuristics in bin-packing problems.

Conference Proceeding
Ross, P., Schulenburg, S., Marin-Blazquez, J. G. & Hart, E. (2002)
Hyper-heuristics: learning to combine simple heuristics in bin-packing problems. ISBN 1558608788
Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) often appear to be a ‘black box’, neither offering worst-case bounds nor any guarantee of optimality when used to solve individual problems. They...

Improving street based routing using building block mutations.

Conference Proceeding
Urquhart, N. B., Ross, P., Paechter, B., & Chisholm, K. (2002)
Improving street based routing using building block mutations. In J. Gottlieb, E. Hart, & S. Cagnoni (Eds.), Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkshops 2002: EvoCOP, EvoIASP, EvoSTIM/EvoPLAN Kinsale, Ireland, April 3–4, 2002 Proceedings. , (189-202). https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-46004-7_33
Street based routing (SBR) is a real-world inspired routing problem that builds routes within an urban area for mail deliveries. The authors have previously attempted to solve...

GAVEL - a new tool for genetic algorithm visualization

Journal Article
Ross, P., Hart, E., & Ross, P. (2000)
GAVEL - a new tool for genetic algorithm visualization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 5(4), 335-348. doi:10.1109/4235.942528
Abstract—This paper surveys the state of the art in evolutionary algorithm visualization and describes a new tool called GAVEL. It provides a means to examine in a generationa...