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Impacts of Mangrove Density on Surface Sediment Accretion, Belowground Biomass and Biogeochemistry in Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka

Journal Article
Phillips, D., Kumara, M., Jayatissa, L., Krauss, K., & Huxham, M. (2017)
Impacts of Mangrove Density on Surface Sediment Accretion, Belowground Biomass and Biogeochemistry in Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka. Wetlands, 37(3), 471-483.
Understanding the effects of seedling density on sediment accretion, biogeochemistry and 3 belowground biomass in mangrove systems can help explain ecological functioning and ...

Biomass and productivity of seagrasses in Africa

Journal Article
Githaiga, M. N., Gilpin, L., Kairo, J. G., & Huxham, M. (2016)
Biomass and productivity of seagrasses in Africa. Botanica Marina, 59(2-3), 173-186.
There is growing interest in carbon stocks and flows in seagrass ecosystems, but recent global reviews suggest a paucity of studies from Africa. This paper reviews work on sea...

The impacts of shrimp farming on land-use and carbon storage around Puttalam lagoon, Sri Lanka

Journal Article
Bournazel, J., Kumara, M. P., Jayatissa, L. P., Viergever, K., Morel, V., Morel, V., & Huxham, M. (2015)
The impacts of shrimp farming on land-use and carbon storage around Puttalam lagoon, Sri Lanka. Ocean and Coastal Management, 113, 18-28.
The expansion of shrimp aquaculture in Sri Lanka over the past three decades has dramatically changed the coastal landscape, in particular by converting mangrove forests. The ...

Applying Climate Compatible Development and economic valuation to coastal management: A case study of Kenya's mangrove forests

Journal Article
Huxham, M., Emerton, L., Kairo, J., Munyi, F., Abdirizak, H., Muriuki, T., …Briers, R. A. (2015)
Applying Climate Compatible Development and economic valuation to coastal management: A case study of Kenya's mangrove forests. Journal of Environmental Management, 157, 168-181.
Mangrove forests are under global pressure. Habitat destruction and degradation persist despite longstanding recognition of the important ecological functions of mangroves. He...

Mapping of mangrove forest land cover change along the Kenya coastline using Landsat imagery

Journal Article
Kirui, B. K. Y., Kairo, J. G., Bosire, J. O., Viergever, K. M., Rudra, S., Huxham, M., & Briers, R. A. (2013)
Mapping of mangrove forest land cover change along the Kenya coastline using Landsat imagery. Ocean and Coastal Management, 83, 19-24.
Mangroves in Kenya provide a wide range of valuable services to coastal communities despite their relatively small total area. Studies at single sites show reductions in exten...

Making predictions of mangrove deforestation: a comparison of two methods in Kenya.

Journal Article
Rideout, A. J. R., Joshi, N. P., Viergever, K. M., Huxham, M., & Briers, R. A. (2013)
Making predictions of mangrove deforestation: a comparison of two methods in Kenya. Global Change Biology, 19, 3493-3501.
Deforestation of mangroves is of global concern given their importance for carbon storage, biogeochemical cycling and the provision of other ecosystem services, but the links ...

Effects of species richness, identity and environmental variables on growth in planted mangroves in Kenya

Journal Article
Kirui, B. K. Y., Kairo, J. G., Skov, M. W., Mencuccini, M., & Huxham, M. (2012)
Effects of species richness, identity and environmental variables on growth in planted mangroves in Kenya. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 465, 1-10.
Anthropogenic impacts on biodiversity across a wide range of ecosystems are well documented; however the responses of ecosystems to reduced diversity are still poorly understo...

Species mixing boosts root yield in mangrove trees

Journal Article
Lang'at, J. K. S., Kirui, B. K. Y., Skov, M. W., Kairo, J. G., Mencuccini, M., & Huxham, M. (2013)
Species mixing boosts root yield in mangrove trees. Oecologia, 172(1), 271-278.
Enhanced species richness can stimulate the productivity of plant communities; however, its effect on the belowground production of forests has scarcely been tested, despite t...

Intra- and interspecific facilitation in mangroves may increase resilience to climate change threats

Journal Article
Huxham, M., Kumara, M. P., Jayatissa, L. P., Krauss, K. W., Kairo, J. G., Lang'at, J. K. S., …Kirui, B. K. Y. (2010)
Intra- and interspecific facilitation in mangroves may increase resilience to climate change threats. Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences, 365, 2127-2135.
Mangroves are intertidal ecosystems that are particularly vulnerable to climate change. At the low tidal limits of their range, they face swamping by rising sea levels; at the...

High mangrove density enhances surface accretion, surface elevation change, and tree survival in coastal areas susceptible to sea-level rise

Journal Article
Kumara, M. P., Jayatissa, L. P., Krauss, K. W., Phillips, D. H., & Huxham, M. (2010)
High mangrove density enhances surface accretion, surface elevation change, and tree survival in coastal areas susceptible to sea-level rise. Oecologia, 164, 545-553.
Survival, growth, aboveground biomass accumulation, sediment surface elevation dynamics and nitrogen accumulation in sediments were studied in experimental treatments planted ...