3 results

Estimating degradation-related settlement in two landfill-reclaimed soils by sand-salt analogues

Journal Article
McDougall, J., Fleming, I., Thiel, R., Dewaele, P., Parker, D., & Kelly, D. (2018)
Estimating degradation-related settlement in two landfill-reclaimed soils by sand-salt analogues. Waste Management, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2018.04.013
Landfill reclaimed soil here refers to largely degraded materials excavated from old landfill sites, which after processing can be reinstated as more competent fill, thereby r...

Enhancing energy sustainability in buildings by implementing low carbon refrubishments

McCauley, L. Enhancing energy sustainability in buildings by implementing low carbon refrubishments. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/462257
The thesis aimed to investigate the feasibility of enhancing a building’s energy sustainability by implementing low carbon refurbishments. The research focused on the low carb...

Decomposition and settlement in landfilled waste and other soil-like materials.

Journal Article
McDougall, J., Pyrah, I., Yuen, S. T. S., Monteiro, V. E. D., Melo, M. C. & Juca, J. F. T. (2004)
Decomposition and settlement in landfilled waste and other soil-like materials. Géotechnique. 54, 605-610. doi:10.1680/geot.54.9.605.56937. ISSN 0016-8505
The term ‘soil-like materials’ is used to refer to particulate materials that contain organic or other non-inert solids. When these materials decompose, there is a reduction i...