7 results

New modes of information behavior emerging from the social web

Journal Article
Wid én-Wulff, G., Huvila, I., Hall, H., Nivakoski, O., Kronqvist-Berg, M., & Francke, H. (2009)
New modes of information behavior emerging from the social web. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 46(1), 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1002/meet.2009.145046018
Engaging in interactive and social events on the Web has become very common practice. Activities such as blogging, posting web pages, instant messaging, engaging in e-commerce...

Like an open book? Accessibility of e-book content for academic study in a diverse student population

Journal Article
Muir, L. J., Veale, T., & Nichol, A. (2009)
Like an open book? Accessibility of e-book content for academic study in a diverse student population. Library and information research, 33, 90-109
This paper reviews previous research on e-books and the information seeking behaviour of scholars. It presents the initial findings from an in-depth study of the behaviour and...

Designing e-Participation with Balkan journalists.

Journal Article
Taylor-Smith, E. & Buckner, K. (2008)
Designing e-Participation with Balkan journalists. JeDEM eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government. 1, 12-20. ISSN 2075-9517
This paper describes the use of scenarios as a central part of the design methodology, in a project to create an e-participation initiative, working with the national news age...

News and the net: convergences and divergences.

Journal Article
Atton, C., & Meikle, G. (2006)
News and the net: convergences and divergences. Scan journal of media arts culture, 3(1),

Members of the Scottish Parliament on the net.

Journal Article
Smith, C. F. & Webster, C. W. R. (2004)
Members of the Scottish Parliament on the net. Information Polity. 9, 67-80. ISSN 1570-1255


Journal Article
Atton, C., & Couldry, N. (2003)
Introduction. Media, Culture and Society, 25(5), 579-586. doi:10.1177/01634437030255001

Input-friendliness: motivating knowledge sharing across intranets.

Journal Article
Hall, H. (2001)
Input-friendliness: motivating knowledge sharing across intranets. Journal of Information Science, 27(3), 139-146. https://doi.org/10.1177/016555150102700303
The value of an intranet for knowledge management (KM) is largely dependent on the calibre of the content and tools that it provides to its users and its ultimate application ...