24 results

Unregulated Futures: Scenario Planning for the Unknown

Presentation / Conference
Crawford, M., Roubelat, F., & Marchais-Roubelat, A. (2024, September)
Unregulated Futures: Scenario Planning for the Unknown. Presented at Anticipation 2024, Lancaster, UK
Building from years of piloting novel methods for future visioning through group engagement, this curated session will take attendees through a fast-tracked, yet fully- immers...

Biased Foresight: A Facilitator’s Playbook

Presentation / Conference
Crawford, M. (2024, June)
Biased Foresight: A Facilitator’s Playbook. Paper presented at 33rd European Conference on Operational Research, Copenhagen, Denmark
A series of lab and field studies were conducted with managers, executives, and postgraduates to test the hypothesis that priming effects exist within any given scenario plann...

Young people’s expectations of work, and readiness of the workplace: Two sides of the same coin?

Presentation / Conference
Egdell, V., Grant, K., & Vincent, D. (2021, April)
Young people’s expectations of work, and readiness of the workplace: Two sides of the same coin?. Paper presented at The 39th International Labour Process Conference, University of Greenwich, London
Since the 2008 economic downturn, the education-to-work transitions of young people have been a concern for governments across Europe (Coppola & O’Higgins 2016). Young people ...

Sustainability in the NHS

Presentation / Conference
Fascia, M. (2018, August)
Sustainability in the NHS. Presented at EMRI, Edinburgh
NHS Presentation at the Edinburgh Multicultural Research Institute.

Festival leaders and resilient futures: Coastal Arts and Local Education

Presentation / Conference
Robertson, M. (2018, July)
Festival leaders and resilient futures: Coastal Arts and Local Education. Paper presented at Association of Event Management Educators (AEME) 2018 Event Education & Research: Coming of Age
Visioning is a process which focusses on a preferred future condition (Bazzanella et al., 2012). In the context of a small to medium sized town, economic and social pressures ...

Developing an Evaluation Framework for Knowledge Management Systems in SMEs

Presentation / Conference
Bratton, A., & Thomson, A. (2018, June)
Developing an Evaluation Framework for Knowledge Management Systems in SMEs. Paper presented at International Institute for Applied KM 2018 : Knowledge Management: Research, Organization, and Applied Innovation, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
This paper develops an evaluation framework for knowledge management systems (KMS) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). An embedded research approach was used to deve...

Risky business: HRM implications from pilots' accounts of critical incidents in UK commercial Aviation

Presentation / Conference
Grant, K., & Maxwell, G. (2018, June)
Risky business: HRM implications from pilots' accounts of critical incidents in UK commercial Aviation. Paper presented at International Human Resource Management Conference
Safety is of paramount importance in aviation in first-world countries. Commercial aviation here is highly reliable and ultra-safe, at least technically. However, while techno...

Meaningful Engagement for Retail Transformation: Value Co-Creation through Digital Technology and Sustainability Innovation

Presentation / Conference
Legl, C. (2018, May)
Meaningful Engagement for Retail Transformation: Value Co-Creation through Digital Technology and Sustainability Innovation. Poster presented at Edinburgh Napier University Business School annual conference, 2018
Meaningful engagement for retail transformation: value co-creation through digital technology and sustainability innovation Name: Carina Legl (MSc with Distinction in Interna...

Collaborative talent management in public services: evaluating the drivers, barriers and enablers

Presentation / Conference
Grant, K., Mackie, R., Gadsden, S., & McLaughlin, D. (2017, December)
Collaborative talent management in public services: evaluating the drivers, barriers and enablers. Paper presented at CIPD Applied Research Conference, Glasgow
Against a background of significant public service reform and growing acceptance of the need for increased collaborative activity within Scotland’s public services, our resear...

Opening the black box: A JD-R evaluation of job stress, fatigue and boredom among commercial airline pilots

Presentation / Conference
Grant, K., & Maxwell, G. (2017, November)
Opening the black box: A JD-R evaluation of job stress, fatigue and boredom among commercial airline pilots. Paper presented at 10th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network
The job demands-resources (JD-R) model is utilised to evaluate the interactions between the job demands and job resources of commercial airline pilots in the UK. The model hol...