4 results

Protective factors of suicide and suicidal behaviour relevant to emergency healthcare settings: A systematic review and narrative synthesis of post-2007 reviews

Journal Article
McClatchey, K., Murray, J., Rowat, A., & Chouliara, Z. (2019)
Protective factors of suicide and suicidal behaviour relevant to emergency healthcare settings: A systematic review and narrative synthesis of post-2007 reviews. Archives of Suicide Research, 23(3), 411-427. https://doi.org/10.1080/13811118.2018.1480983
Objectives: Suicide is a major public health concern and, with recent societal changes, such as economic and technological changes, there may be emerging protective factors th...

Mirror, mirror on the wall...: Appearance Distress in Dermatology – An overlooked parameter?

Journal Article
Chouliara, Z. (2017)
Mirror, mirror on the wall...: Appearance Distress in Dermatology – An overlooked parameter?. Dermatological Nursing, 16(3), 8-8
No abstract available. Editorial.

Recovery from child sexual abuse (CSA) in India: A relational framework for practice

Journal Article
Chouliara, Z., & Javita, N. (2017)
Recovery from child sexual abuse (CSA) in India: A relational framework for practice. Children and Youth Services Review, 79, 527-538. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.06.072
CSA is prevalent internationally and its negative impact can continue in adulthood. India has a high prevalence of child maltreatment. The present study recorded the ‘recoveri...

Therapeutic Change in Group Therapy For Interpersonal Trauma: A Relational Framework for Research and Clinical Practice

Journal Article
Chouliara, Z., Karatzias, T., Gullone, A., Ferguson, S., Cosgrove, K., & Burke Draucker, C. (2020)
Therapeutic Change in Group Therapy For Interpersonal Trauma: A Relational Framework for Research and Clinical Practice. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(15-16), 2897-2916. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260517696860
Our understanding of therapeutic change processes in group therapy for complex interpersonal trauma has been limited. The present study aimed at addressing this gap by develop...