4 results

Dementia in the workplace: are employers supporting employees living with dementia?

Journal Article
Egdell, V., Cook, M., Stavert, J., Ritchie, L., Tolson, D., & Danson, M. (2021)
Dementia in the workplace: are employers supporting employees living with dementia?. Aging & mental health, 25(1), 134-141. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2019.1667299
Objectives As working lives extend and there is better recognition of early-onset dementias, employers need to consider dementia as a workplace concern. With suitable support,...

Health professionals' lack of knowledge of central venous access devices: the impact on patients

Journal Article
Kelly, L. J., Snowden, A., Paterson, R., & Campbell, K. (2019)
Health professionals' lack of knowledge of central venous access devices: the impact on patients. British Journal of Nursing, 28(14), https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2019.28.14.S4
Background The literature on patient experience of living with a central venous access device (CVAD) is growing, but remains sparse. It suggests that patients accept CVADs as...

Smoking cessation programmes for women living in disadvantaged communities, “We Can Quit 2”: A systematic review protocol [version 3]

Journal Article
Burke, E., Dobbie, F., Dougall, N., Adebolu Oluwaseun, M., Mockler, D., Vance, J., …Hayes, C. (2019)
Smoking cessation programmes for women living in disadvantaged communities, “We Can Quit 2”: A systematic review protocol [version 3]. HRB Open Research, 2, https://doi.org/10.12688/hrbopenres.12901.3
Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in Ireland with almost 6,000 smokers dying each year from smoking-related diseases. Amongst younger Irish women, smoking ...

An analysis of suicide trends in Scotland 1950–2014: comparison with England & Wales

Journal Article
Dougall, N., Stark, C., Agnew, T., Henderson, R., Maxwell, M., & Lambert, P. (2017)
An analysis of suicide trends in Scotland 1950–2014: comparison with England & Wales. BMC Public Health, 17(1), https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-017-4956-6
Background Scotland has disproportionately high rates of suicide compared with England. An analysis of trends may help reveal whether rates appear driven more by birth cohort,...