3 results

People with severe problematic personality traits and offending histories: What influences occupational participation?

Journal Article
Connell, C., McKay, E. A., Furtado, V., & Singh, S. P. (2019)
People with severe problematic personality traits and offending histories: What influences occupational participation?. European Psychiatry, 60, 14-19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2019.05.002
Background: Occupational participation is important for personality disordered offenders (PDOs) because it is integral to health and desistance from offending. What influences...

The Lived Experience of Codependency: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Journal Article
Bacon, I., McKay, E., Reynolds, F., & McIntyre, A. (2020)
The Lived Experience of Codependency: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 18(3), 754-771. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-018-9983-8
Codependency is a complex and debatable concept, which has been used over the years by mental health professionals to inform their practices. Researchers have attempted to ide...

What influences social outcomes among offenders with personality disorder: A systematic review

Journal Article
Connell, C., Furtado, V., McKay, E. A., & Singh, S. P. (2018)
What influences social outcomes among offenders with personality disorder: A systematic review. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, https://doi.org/10.1002/cbm.2082
Background: Personality disorder is highly prevalent in offender populations and is associated with poor health, criminal justice and social outcomes. Research has been condu...