21 results

What Is the Impact of Chaplaincy in Primary Care? The GP Perspective

Journal Article
Snowden, A., Gibbon, A., & Grant, R. (2019)
What Is the Impact of Chaplaincy in Primary Care? The GP Perspective. Health and Social Care Chaplaincy, 6(2), 200-214. https://doi.org/10.1558/hscc.34709
People often attend primary care with sub-clinical or non-medical issues such as bereavement, distress, or loneliness. Often what is needed is someone to listen, but GP appoin...

Should people with psychosis be supported in choosing cognitive therapy as an alternative to antipsychotic medication: A commentary on a commentary

Journal Article
Hutton, P. (2018)
Should people with psychosis be supported in choosing cognitive therapy as an alternative to antipsychotic medication: A commentary on a commentary. Schizophrenia Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.schres.2018.04.002
Item is a commentary. No abstract available.

Therapeutic Change in Group Therapy For Interpersonal Trauma: A Relational Framework for Research and Clinical Practice

Journal Article
Chouliara, Z., Karatzias, T., Gullone, A., Ferguson, S., Cosgrove, K., & Burke Draucker, C. (2020)
Therapeutic Change in Group Therapy For Interpersonal Trauma: A Relational Framework for Research and Clinical Practice. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(15-16), 2897-2916. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260517696860
Our understanding of therapeutic change processes in group therapy for complex interpersonal trauma has been limited. The present study aimed at addressing this gap by develop...

Quetiapine immediate release v. placebo for schizophrenia: systematic review, meta-analysis and reappraisal

Journal Article
Hutton, P., Taylor, P. J., Mulligan, L., Tully, S., & Moncrieff, J. (2015)
Quetiapine immediate release v. placebo for schizophrenia: systematic review, meta-analysis and reappraisal. British Journal of Psychiatry, 206(5), 360-370. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.bp.114.154377
Background: Immediate-release (IR) quetiapine has been used to treat schizophrenia since 1997, although all the principal placebo-controlled trials have >50% missing outcome d...

Curiosity and the CAT: Considering Cognitive Analytic Therapy as an intervention for psychosis

Journal Article
Taylor, P. J., Perry, A., Hutton, P., Seddon, C., & Tan, R. (2015)
Curiosity and the CAT: Considering Cognitive Analytic Therapy as an intervention for psychosis. Psychosis, 7(3), 276-278. https://doi.org/10.1080/17522439.2014.956785
In the interests of providing patient choice and developing more effective interventions forvpeople struggling with psychosis, it is important that alternative talking therapi...

Cognitive therapy for patients with schizophrenia–Authors' reply

Journal Article
Morrison, A. P., Dunn, G., Turkington, D., Pyle, M., & Hutton, P. (2014)
Cognitive therapy for patients with schizophrenia–Authors' reply. Lancet, 384(9941), 401-402. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736%2814%2961275-7
Our trial1 was not designed to change clinical practice. It was a preliminary trial, which needs to be followed up by a larger, pragmatic multicentre study. It is important no...

Rationale and protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis on reduced data gathering in people with delusions

Journal Article
Taylor, P., Hutton, P., & Dudley, R. (2014)
Rationale and protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis on reduced data gathering in people with delusions. Systematic Reviews, 3(44), https://doi.org/10.1186/2046-4053-3-44
Background The tendency to form conclusions based on limited evidence is known as the ‘jumping to conclusions’ (JTC) bias, and has been a much studied phenomena in individuals...

Cognitive therapy for people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders not taking antipsychotic drugs: a single-blind randomised controlled trial

Journal Article
Morrison, A. P., Turkington, D., Pyle, M., Spencer, H., Brabban, A., Dunn, G., …Hutton, P. (2014)
Cognitive therapy for people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders not taking antipsychotic drugs: a single-blind randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 383(9926), 1395-1403. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0140-6736%2813%2962246-1
BACKGROUND: Antipsychotic drugs are usually the first line of treatment for schizophrenia; however, many patients refuse or discontinue their pharmacological treatment. We aim...

Cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis: rationale and protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal Article
Hutton, P., Wood, L., Taylor, P. J., Irving, K., & Morrison, A. P. (2014)
Cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis: rationale and protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychosis, 6(3), 220-230. https://doi.org/10.1080/17522439.2013.825005
Background: Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a recommended treatment for people with psychosis, with meta - analyses showing important benefits when compared to treatmen...

Deep brain stimulation for anorexia nervosa

Journal Article
Hutton, P. (2013)
Deep brain stimulation for anorexia nervosa. Lancet, 382(9889), 305-306
Extract: Nir Lipsman and colleagues conclude that deep brain stimulation (DBS) is safe for those with anorexia, on the basis of a study of six patients (April 20, p 1361). How...