3 results

Securing Disunion: young people’s nationalism, identities and (in)securities in the campaign for an independent Scotland

Journal Article
Botterill, K., Hopkins, P., Sanghera, G., & Arshad, R. (2016)
Securing Disunion: young people’s nationalism, identities and (in)securities in the campaign for an independent Scotland. Political Geography, 55, 124-134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2016.09.002
This paper explores ethnic and religious minority youth perspectives of security and nationalism in Scotland during the independence campaign in 2014. We discuss how young pe...

"We Don't See Things as They Are, We See Things as We Are": Questioning the "Outsider" in Polish Migration Research

Journal Article
Botterill, K. (2015)
"We Don't See Things as They Are, We See Things as We Are": Questioning the "Outsider" in Polish Migration Research. Forum: Qualitative Social Research / Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung, 16(2),
This article offers a reflexive account of conducting research on Polish migration to Scotland from the perspective of the "outsider." The contribution argues for a revision t...

Mobility and Immobility in the European Union: Experiences of Young Polish People Living in the UK

Journal Article
Botterill, K. (2011)
Mobility and Immobility in the European Union: Experiences of Young Polish People Living in the UK. Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, 6(1),
Mobility' is a zeitgeist of the European Union. European enlargement and the removal of borders in Central and Eastern Europe has reinvigorated geographical mobility in Europe...