9 results

Developing a BIM and simulation-based hazard assessment and visualization framework for CLT construction design

Journal Article
BuHamdan, S., Duncheva, T., & Alwisy, A. (2021)
Developing a BIM and simulation-based hazard assessment and visualization framework for CLT construction design. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 147(3), https://doi.org/10.1061/%28ASCE%29CO.1943-7862.0002000
The sustainability of the urban built environment has previously been investigated through many angles in relation to the growing global urban population and provision of ener...

Post-Disaster Post-Conflict Emergency Shelters: A Holistic Approach

Presentation / Conference
D'Amico, B., Pomponi, L., Montaruli, M., Alshawawreh, L., Snaddon, S., Moghayedi, A., …Pomponi, F. (2019, September)
Post-Disaster Post-Conflict Emergency Shelters: A Holistic Approach. Poster presented at RISE Awards 2019
The constrained environment dominating Post-disaster Post-sheltering design solutions often results in a lack of consideration of sustainability and social dimensions. Neglect...

Core off-site manufacture industry drivers.

Book Chapter
Hairstans, R., & Duncheva, T. (2019)
Core off-site manufacture industry drivers. In J. S. Goulding, & F. P. Rahimian (Eds.), Offsite Production and Manufacturing for Innovative Construction: People, Process and TechnologyTaylor & Francis
The manufacture and pre-assembly of components, elements or modules offsite before installation into their final location are evident throughout construction history. Medieval...

Offsite HUB (Scotland): establishing a collaborative regional framework for knowledge exchange in the UK

Journal Article
Hairstans, R., & Smith, R. E. (2017)
Offsite HUB (Scotland): establishing a collaborative regional framework for knowledge exchange in the UK. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 13, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/17452007.2017.1314858
The UK is set to become Europe’s largest construction market by 2030. However, UK construction productivity performance is regarded as weak, with low skills levels considered ...

A Framework for Improvement of Contractor Selection Procedures on Major Construction Project in Libya.

Elsayah, O. S. (2016)
A Framework for Improvement of Contractor Selection Procedures on Major Construction Project in Libya. (Thesis). Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/453191
The construction sector constitutes one of the most important sectors in the economy of any country. Contractor selection is a critical decision that is undertaken by client o...

Understanding the compatibility of UK resource for dowel laminated timber construction

Presentation / Conference
Plowas, W., Bell, T., Hairstans, R., & Williamson, J. B. (2016, June)
Understanding the compatibility of UK resource for dowel laminated timber construction. Paper presented at Integrated Design Conference
Dowel Laminated Timber (DLT also know as Brettstapel) is a technique of constructing large-scale solid timber panels for use as structural or non-structural elements. The tech...

Previsione della "Transmission Loss" di pareti in mattone forato utilizzando il metodo SEA.

Conference Proceeding
Fringuellino, M., & Smith, S. (1998)
Previsione della "Transmission Loss" di pareti in mattone forato utilizzando il metodo SEA. In Atti del XXVII Convegno nazionale Associazione Italiana Acustica, 103-107
No abstract available.

Evaluation of ventilation performance in public spaces.

Conference Proceeding
Currie, J., & Capper, G. (1998)
Evaluation of ventilation performance in public spaces. In G. Guarracino (Ed.), Proceedings, 2nd European conference on energy performance and indoor climate in buildings and 3rd international conference on indoor air quality, ventilation and energy conservation in buildings, 724-729
Smoking restrictions in the workplace and increased health consciousness at home have seen a sizable reduction in the number of spaces where smoking is permissible. The aim of...

Update report on additional theoretical investigations into inter-laboratory results

Presentation / Conference
Smith, S. (1998, January)
Update report on additional theoretical investigations into inter-laboratory results. Paper presented at CEN TC126 WG1 AhG4, Munich