
6 results

Care Homes Appreciative Inquiry into Retention

2022 - 2024
This proposal is for a programme of work that will involve both research and collaborative appreciative inquiry led quality improvement in Lothian care homes, targeted at improving the retention of hi...
Funder: NHS Lothian | Value: £100,327

Care Home Data - Governance, Ethics, Access Demonstration Project

2021 - 2021
A scoping and exemplar project on routes to accessing care home individual resident data for use in research and innovation
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £30,000

Small roll out of OSCaRS and further research

2021 - 2022
In May 2020 the Team making this request for funds were awarded £20,000 from the CSO Covid Rapid Research Programme, to deliver and evaluate the provision of online supportive conversations and reflec...
Funder: Edinburgh & Lothians Health Foundation | Value: £21,495

Online debriefings with care home staff after a resident’s death: improving coping mechanisms, team cohesion and communication with relatives

2020 - 2021
To support care home staff, it is essential to assist them to cope individually, within a cohesive team and support confident communication about death with excluded relatives. This project focusses o...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £20,864

Avoiding Burn Out of Care Home Workforce: sharing national learning and local initiatives that support resilience and retention during the COVID-19 pandemic

2020 - 2021
A key issue arising from the Covid-19 pandemic for Care Homes is heightened risk of staff burn out, further undermining already problematic staff retention in this sector. This short, high impact stud...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £9,317

Care Home Innovation Partnership - Ensuring a Whole Systems Analysis

2019 - 2023
• Conduct an ‘Audit’ of data items currently collected through electronic care planning in the 6 partner care homes to establish what data are routinely collected as part of resident care • Create a u...
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £37,250


