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4 results

Entrepreneurial Dynamism and the Built Environment in the Evolution of University Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Journal Article
Johnson, D., Bock, A. J., & George, G. (2019)
Entrepreneurial Dynamism and the Built Environment in the Evolution of University Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Industrial and Corporate Change, 28(4), 941-959.
University-centered entrepreneurial ecosystems (UCEEs) are complex webs of entrepreneurs, researchers, institutional support structures, and the built environment. We study th...

Coping with uncertainty: Entrepreneurial sensemaking in regenerative medicine venturing

Journal Article
Johnson, D., & Bock, A. J. (2017)
Coping with uncertainty: Entrepreneurial sensemaking in regenerative medicine venturing. Journal of Technology Transfer, 42(1), 33-58.
Entrepreneurs face multiple sources and types of uncertainty during venturing activity. Converting novel or speculative opportunities into viable commercial businesses require...

Regenerative medicine translation: Cross-national analysis of entrepreneurial ecosystem development

Journal Article
Johnson, D., & Bock, A. J. (2015)
Regenerative medicine translation: Cross-national analysis of entrepreneurial ecosystem development. Proceedings - Academy of Management, 2015(1), 12653-12653.
In the field of regenerative medicine, new ventures face unformed markets and inconsistent industry practices. We study two university- centric regenerative medicine ecosystem...

Coping with unresolvable uncertainty: A situational analysis of regenerative medicine venturing

Journal Article
Johnson, D., & Bock, A. J. (2014)
Coping with unresolvable uncertainty: A situational analysis of regenerative medicine venturing. Proceedings - Academy of Management, 2014(1), 11294-11294.
Acquiring resources, such as knowledge, is a fundamental entrepreneurial task during venture development. However, high levels of uncertainty challenge resource identification...