23 results

Historic Environment Scotland Technical Paper 34: Energy consumption and behaviour profiles for eight traditionally built dwellings

Stinson, J., Bros Williamson, J., Garnier, C., & Currie, J. (2020)
Historic Environment Scotland Technical Paper 34: Energy consumption and behaviour profiles for eight traditionally built dwellings. Edinburgh: Historic Environment Scotland
Over the last decade, there has been an increased awareness of the need to improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of Scotland’s building stock and to fulfl obligatio...

Offsite Ready Booklets

Duncheva, M., Calcagno, C., Henquel, V., Leitch, K., Stinson, J., Plant O'Toole, E., …Ferriz-Papi, J. A. (2020)
Offsite Ready Booklets. Edinburgh: Construction Industry Training Board

Impact of climate change and envelope performance dilapidation on dwellings

Bros Williamson, J. Impact of climate change and envelope performance dilapidation on dwellings. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/2685578
This research is based on results of building envelope and energy performance of thirteen dwellings. The dwellings, located in Dunfermline, Scotland, were part of the Housing ...

Review of actual energy demand and envelope performance of the Housing Innovation Showcase 2012

Bros Williamson, J. (2017)
Review of actual energy demand and envelope performance of the Housing Innovation Showcase 2012. Edinburgh: Internal (Napier
This document presents a review of four years of delivered energy demand of selected dwellings at the Housing Innovation Showcase (HIS) developed by Kingdom Housing Associatio...

Work Package 1 - Review of construction process

Bros Williamson, J., & Currie, J. (2017)
Work Package 1 - Review of construction process. Private, Cala Group Ltd
This report was commissioned by the Product Design Department at Cala Group Ltd (CALA) from the Scottish Energy Centre (review team) to assess current designs and construction...

Discrepancies between theoretical and actual heating demand in Scottish modern dwellings

Conference Proceeding
Bros Williamson, J., Stinson, J., Garnier, C., & Currie, J. (2017)
Discrepancies between theoretical and actual heating demand in Scottish modern dwellings. In PLEA 2017 Proceedings - Design to Thrive, (361-368
The study reports on the differences between the actual heat consumption profiles of twelve dwellings monitored for four years and their predicted heat demand profiles as calc...

Fife Local Energy Masterplan

Payne, C., Bell, C., Steen, P., Currie, J., Bros Williamson, J., Stinson, J., & Muschamp, H. (2017)
Fife Local Energy Masterplan. Fife Council
The way we generate and use energy has constantly changed. In recent decades it has become the role of the National Grid, gas network, and multinational energy companies to de...

Understanding the compatibility of UK resource for dowel laminated timber construction

Conference Proceeding
Plowas, W., Hairstans, R., Bell, T., & Bros Williamson, J. (2016)
Understanding the compatibility of UK resource for dowel laminated timber construction
Dowel Laminated Timber (DLT also know as Brettstapel) is a technique of constructing large-scale solid timber panels for use as structural or non-structural elements. The tech...

Innovative refurbishment strategies for poorly performing housing stock in Scotland, UK

Conference Proceeding
Bros-Williamson, J., Stinson, J., Reid, A., & Gravrand, D. (2016)
Innovative refurbishment strategies for poorly performing housing stock in Scotland, UK. In 41st IAHS WORLD CONGRESS Conference Proceedings
Scotland is currently increasing its housing stock at a rate of less than 1% per year. With 174,000 households registered on local authority waiting lists for new or improved ...

Energy Behaviour Change by Coloured In-Home Display

Conference Proceeding
Stinson, J., Reid, A., Bros-Williamson, J., & Currie, J. (2016)
Energy Behaviour Change by Coloured In-Home Display. In 41st IAHS WORLD CONGRESS: Conference Proceedings
It is estimated that by 2020 some 53 million, next-generation gas and electricity meters, commonly known as ‘smart meters’, will be installed in approximately 30 million homes...