11 results

Tacit knowledge sharing: the determination of a methodological approach to explore the intangible

Journal Article
Buunk, I., Hall, H., & Smith (F), C. (2017)
Tacit knowledge sharing: the determination of a methodological approach to explore the intangible. Information Research, 22(1),
Introduction. Research design should take into account both (a) the specific nature of the object under scrutiny, and (b) approaches to its study in the past. This is to ensur...

The adoption process in management innovation: A Knowledge Management case study

Journal Article
Rasmussen, L., & Hall, H. (2016)
The adoption process in management innovation: A Knowledge Management case study. Journal of Information Science, 42(3), 356-368. https://doi.org/10.1177/0165551515625032
is based on the findings of a study that explores and discusses in depth a Knowledge Management programme that was introduced within a large distributed public sector agency i...

The census as an information source in public policy-making

Journal Article
Killick, L., Hall, H., Duff, A. S., & Deakin, M. (2016)
The census as an information source in public policy-making. Journal of Information Science, 42(3), 386-395. https://doi.org/10.1177/0165551516628471
This paper provides an assessment of the value of national population censuses as information sources with specific reference to UK census data and its use in policy-making. M...

The implementation of mini-enterprise business process management

Journal Article
Wang, L., Liu, W., & Wang, Z. (2015)
The implementation of mini-enterprise business process management. International Journal of Innovative Business Strategies, 1(2), 26-31. https://doi.org/10.20533/ijibs.2046.3626.2015.0005
Obviously, it is important for the mini-enterprise to acknowledgement that how to win the customers and markets, because the products must be continuously evolved so as to sat...

Factors, frameworks and theory: a review of the information systems literature on success factors in project management

Journal Article
Irvine, R., & Hall, H. (2015)
Factors, frameworks and theory: a review of the information systems literature on success factors in project management. Information Research, 20(3),
INTRODUCTION We provide a critical evaluation of the literature on success factors in information systems projects, with a particular focus on organisational information syste...

The case for a risk-assessed approach to organisational records management in the Oil and Gas sector

Journal Article
Muir, L. J., Cousins, F., & Laing, A. (2014)
The case for a risk-assessed approach to organisational records management in the Oil and Gas sector. Information Research, 19,
Introduction. Processes and practices for information management service delivery, including retention, retrieval and disposal of documents and records, are not easily quantif...

Organizational culture in knowledge creation, creativity and innovation: Towards the Freiraum model

Journal Article
Auernhammer, J. M., & Hall, H. (2014)
Organizational culture in knowledge creation, creativity and innovation: Towards the Freiraum model. Journal of Information Science, 40(2), 154-166. https://doi.org/10.1177/0165551513508356
This paper draws on findings from an in-depth case study of practices related to the meeting of organisational goals pertinent to knowledge creation, creativity and innovation...

Analysis of Information governance and patient data protection within primary health care

Journal Article
Smith, M., Buchanan, W. J., Thuemmler, C., Bell, D., & Hazelhoff Roelfzema, N. (2010)
Analysis of Information governance and patient data protection within primary health care. International Journal for Quality in Health Care,
The introduction of Information Governance throughout the NHS in Great Britain from 2004 onwards, saw Pri-mary Care Medicine subject to a regulatory regime ...

KM culture and compromise - interventions to promote knowledge sharing supported by technology in corporate environments.

Journal Article
Hall, H., & Goody, M. (2007)
KM culture and compromise - interventions to promote knowledge sharing supported by technology in corporate environments. Journal of Information Science, 33(2), 181-188. https://doi.org/10.1177/0165551506070708
The theme of knowledge sharing is discussed extensively in the knowledge management literature. Such work tends to focus on the barriers that impede knowledge sharing activity...

Response to risk: experts and end-user perspectives on email security, and the role of the business information professional in policy development

Journal Article
Kelleher, Z., & Hall, H. (2005)
Response to risk: experts and end-user perspectives on email security, and the role of the business information professional in policy development. Business Information Review, 22(1), 46-52. https://doi.org/10.1177/0266382105052266
This article considers the main sources of e-mail security risk, and means of addressing it with particular reference to the creation and deployment of e-mail security policie...