3 results

Machine Learning-driven Optimization for SVM-based Intrusion Detection System in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Journal Article
Alsarhan, A., Alauthman, M., Alshdaifat, E., Al-Ghuwairi, A., & Al-Dubai, A. (in press)
Machine Learning-driven Optimization for SVM-based Intrusion Detection System in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-021-02963-x
Machine Learning (ML) driven solutions have been widely used to secure wireless communications Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) in recent studies. Unlike existing works, thi...

Evaluation of Ensemble Learning for Android Malware Family Identification

Journal Article
Wylie, J., Tan, Z., Al-Dubai, A., & Wang, J. (2020)
Evaluation of Ensemble Learning for Android Malware Family Identification. Journal of Guangzhou University (Natural Science Edition), 19(4), 28-41
Every Android malware sample generally belongs to a specific family that performs a similar set of actions and characteristics. Having the ability to effectively identify Andr...

A Lightweight and Efficient Digital Image Encryption Using Hybrid Chaotic Systems for Wireless Network Applications

Journal Article
Almalkawi, I. T., Halloush, . R., Alsarhan, A., Al-Dubai, A., & Al-karaki, J. N. (2019)
A Lightweight and Efficient Digital Image Encryption Using Hybrid Chaotic Systems for Wireless Network Applications. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 49, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jisa.2019.102384
Due to limited processing capabilities and other constraints of most wireless networks, many existing security algorithms do not consider the network efficiency. This is becau...