4 results

Reality and the rural idyll: paradoxes of rural heritage and war tourism in Normandy, France.

Book Chapter
McCleery, A. (2004)
Reality and the rural idyll: paradoxes of rural heritage and war tourism in Normandy, France. In R. Byron, T. Jenkins, & J. C. Hansen (Eds.), Regional Development on the North Atlantic Margin (87-101). Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing

So many Glasgows: From ‘personality of place’ to ‘positionality in space and time’

Journal Article
McCleery, A. (2004)
So many Glasgows: From ‘personality of place’ to ‘positionality in space and time’. Scottish Geographical Journal, 120(1-2), 3-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/00369220418737189
This paper investigates place and positionality in the regional novel against a background of evolving trends in geographical scholarship of place and placelessness. In re-exa...

Strategic marginalisation and coping mechanisms: farm households in North West France.

Book Chapter
McCleery, A. (2001)
Strategic marginalisation and coping mechanisms: farm households in North West France. In R. Byron, & J. Hutson (Eds.), Community Development on the North Atlantic Margin Pages (95-112). Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing

Problems and possibilities of delivering ‘footloose’ geography: the case for space.

Journal Article
McCleery, A. (2001)
Problems and possibilities of delivering ‘footloose’ geography: the case for space. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 25, 225-232. doi:10.1080/03098260120067691. ISSN 0309-8265
Within the UK Higher Education system, geography is sometimes taught outside the framework of a conventional geography degree programme. Using a case study of the situation at...