4 results

University-Prison Engagement in Adult Prison Education: Beyond Bibliotherapy and Desistance Theory?

Presentation / Conference
Schwan, A., Armstrong, S., & King, J. (2017, November)
University-Prison Engagement in Adult Prison Education: Beyond Bibliotherapy and Desistance Theory?. Paper presented at 16th International Conference of the European Prison Education Association, Vienna, Austria
No abstract available.

'Painted and attired even unto death': representing the female offender in the Manning Murder Case of 1849.

Presentation / Conference
Schwan, A. (2014, March)
'Painted and attired even unto death': representing the female offender in the Manning Murder Case of 1849. Paper presented at Literary Dolls: The Female Textual Body from the 19th Century to Now, Durham University
No abstract available.

Female criminality in cross-national perspective: the trial and Imprisonment of Florence Maybrick

Presentation / Conference
Schwan, A. (2013, June)
Female criminality in cross-national perspective: the trial and Imprisonment of Florence Maybrick. Paper presented at Joint Conference of the British, North American and Australasian Associations for Victorian Studies: The Global and The Local, Venice, Italy
No abstract available.

Constructing citizenship through suffragette prison diaries

Presentation / Conference
Schwan, A. (2010, June)
Constructing citizenship through suffragette prison diaries. Paper presented at 7th Biennial International Auto/Biography Association Conference, University of Sussex
No abstract available.