10 results

Heavy Drinkers and the Potential Impact of Minimum Unit Pricing—No Single or Simple Effect?

Journal Article
Gill, J., Black, H., O’May, F., Chick, J., Gill, J., Black, H., …Chick, J. (2017)
Heavy Drinkers and the Potential Impact of Minimum Unit Pricing—No Single or Simple Effect?. Alcohol and alcoholism : international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism, 52(6), 722-729. https://doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/agx060
Aims: To explore the potential impact of a minimum unit price (MUP: 50 pence per UK unit) on the alcohol consumption of ill Scottish heavy drinkers. Methods: Participants wer...

Follow-up study of people who misuse alcohol: reflections on methodology.

Journal Article
Gill, J. S., Black, H., O'May, F., & Rees, C. (2016)
Follow-up study of people who misuse alcohol: reflections on methodology. Nurse Researcher, 24(2), 10-17
Background Considerable challenges exist for researchers attempting to monitor longitudinally the impact of any intervention on heavy drinkers, therefore they are often exclud...

Strong cider sold in Scotland appears to be almost exclusively for dependent drinkers.

Journal Article
Chick, J., & Gill, J. S. (2016)
Strong cider sold in Scotland appears to be almost exclusively for dependent drinkers. Clinical Medicine, 16(4), 398. https://doi.org/10.7861/clinmedicine.16-4-398
Strong cider sold in Scotland appears to be almost exclusively for dependent drinkers.

Heavy drinkers' perspectives on minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Scotland: a qualitative interview study

Journal Article
O’May, F., Gill, J., Black, H., Rees, C., Chick, J., & McPake, B. (2016)
Heavy drinkers' perspectives on minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Scotland: a qualitative interview study. SAGE Open, 6(3), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244016657141
The irrefutable consequence of Scottish excessive alcohol consumption has prompted implementation and proposal of alcohol policy measures. The purpose of this study is to expl...

The families and friends of heavy drinkers: Caught in the cross-fire of policy change?

Journal Article
O'May, F., Whittaker, A., Black, H., & Gill, J. S. (2017)
The families and friends of heavy drinkers: Caught in the cross-fire of policy change?. Drug and Alcohol Review, 36(2), 192-199. https://doi.org/10.1111/dar.12403
INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: Research highlights the need to better understand the impact of alcohol-related harm on families and communities. Scottish policy initiatives to reduc...

The enigma of 'harmful' alcohol consumption: evidence from a mixed methods study involving female drinkers in Scotland

Journal Article
Gill, J. S., Rush, R., Black, H., O'May, F. P., Chick, J., Rees, C., & McPake, B. (2015)
The enigma of 'harmful' alcohol consumption: evidence from a mixed methods study involving female drinkers in Scotland. Perspectives in Public Health, 136, 34-42. https://doi.org/10.1177/1757913915603039
Background/Aims: An appreciation of the drinking patterns of population subgroups may usefully inform tailored interventions. For this purpose research has highlighted a need ...

Alcohol purchasing by ill heavy drinkers; cheap alcohol is no single commodity.

Journal Article
Gill, J., Chick, J., Black, H., Rees, C., O'May, F., Rush, R., & McPake, B. (2015)
Alcohol purchasing by ill heavy drinkers; cheap alcohol is no single commodity. Public Health, 129(12), 1571-1578. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2015.08.013
Objectives Potential strategies to address alcohol misuse remain contentious. We aim to characterise the drink purchases of one population group: heavy drinkers in contact wi...

Alcohol pricing and purchasing among heavy drinkers in Edinburgh and Glasgow: Current trends and implications for pricing policies.

Chick, J., & Gill, J. S. (2015)
Alcohol pricing and purchasing among heavy drinkers in Edinburgh and Glasgow: Current trends and implications for pricing policies
Executive summary This is a study of the alcohol purchasing behaviour of patients with alcohol-related conditions at NHS settings in Edinburgh and Glasgow. In 2011/12, 639 dri...

White cider consumption and heavy drinkers: a low-cost option but an unknown price

Journal Article
Black, H., Michalova, L., Gill, J. S., Rees, C., Chick, J., O'May, F., …McPake, B. (2014)
White cider consumption and heavy drinkers: a low-cost option but an unknown price. Alcohol and alcoholism : international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism, 49, 675-680. https://doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/agu068
Aims: To compare characteristics of heavy drinkers who do, or do not, drink white cider during their typical drinking week and to contrast white cider drinkers' behaviour with...

Variation in the alcohol content of a ‘drink’ of wine and spirit poured by a sample of the Scottish population

Journal Article
Gill, J. S., & Donaghy, M. (2004)
Variation in the alcohol content of a ‘drink’ of wine and spirit poured by a sample of the Scottish population. Health Education Research, 19(5), 485-491. https://doi.org/10.1093/her/cyg059
The standard UK alcohol unit is used to record alcohol consumption and, in health promotion, as a useful yardstick by which the public may be encouraged to monitor their own d...