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3 results

Cooperative behaviour in cooperative breeders: Costs, benefits, and communal breeding.

Journal Article
Gilchrist, J. (2007)
Cooperative behaviour in cooperative breeders: Costs, benefits, and communal breeding. Behavioural Processes, 76, 100-105.
[Critical review of: R. Bergmüller, R. Johnstone, A. Russell and R. Bshary, Integrating cooperative breeding into theoretical concepts of cooperation, Behav. Process. 76 (2) 2...

Why chimpanzee ( Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii ) mothers are less gregarious than nonmothers and males: the infant safety hypothesis.

Journal Article
Otali, E. & Gilchrist, J. (2006)
Why chimpanzee ( Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii ) mothers are less gregarious than nonmothers and males: the infant safety hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 59, 561-570. doi:10.1007/s00265-005-0081-0. ISSN 14320762
Socialization of young is an important component of maternal care in social mammals. It is therefore perplexing that female chimpanzees with dependent offspring spend more tim...

Pup escorting in the communal breeding banded mongoose: behavior, benefits and maintenance.

Journal Article
Gilchrist, J. (2004)
Pup escorting in the communal breeding banded mongoose: behavior, benefits and maintenance. Behavioral ecology official journal of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology. 15, 952-960. doi:10.1093/beheco/arh071. ISSN 1465-7279
In cooperatively breeding species, helpers typically provide food to offspring, and distribute food throughout the brood or litter. However, in the communal breeding banded mo...