4 results

The relationship between privatization and DEA estimates of efficiency in the container port industry

Journal Article
Wang, T., Cullinane, K., Ji, P., & Wang, T. (2005)
The relationship between privatization and DEA estimates of efficiency in the container port industry. Journal of Economics and Business, 57(5), 433-462. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeconbus.2005.02.007
A major objective of port privatization is to improve the efficiency of the sector. This paper presents the pros and cons of port privatization and provides an empirical exami...

The Application of Mathematical Programming Approaches to Estimating Container Port Production Efficiency

Journal Article
Cullinane, K., Song, D., & Wang, T. (2005)
The Application of Mathematical Programming Approaches to Estimating Container Port Production Efficiency. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 24(1), 73-92. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11123-005-3041-9
Container terminal production is both an important and complicated element in the contemporary global economy. This paper aims to evaluate the efficiency of the world’s most i...

A time-varying risk premium in the term structure of bulk shipping freight rates.

Journal Article
Adland, R., & Cullinane, K. (2005)
A time-varying risk premium in the term structure of bulk shipping freight rates. Journal of Transport, Economics and Policy, 39, 191-208
This paper presents a simple argument, based on logic and maritime economic theory alone, for rejecting the applicability of the expectations theory in bulk shipping freight m...

A stochastic frontier model of the productive efficiency of Korean container terminals

Journal Article
Cullinane, K., & Song, D. (2003)
A stochastic frontier model of the productive efficiency of Korean container terminals. Applied Economics, 35(3), 251-267. https://doi.org/10.1080/00036840210139355
A central objective of port privatization and/or deregulation policies is stimulating greater efficiency by engendering a more competitive market and commercial approach to ma...



