28 results

Thaali Katori: An Anthology of Scottish South Asian Poetry

Fraser, B. & Riach, A. (Eds.)
(2017). Thaali Katori: An Anthology of Scottish South Asian Poetry. ISBN 978-1912147090
Thali Katori brings together two words that celebrate difference, acknowledge the need for the sensitive appreciation of difference, the virtues of complementarity and the nou...

Confluence of Minds: The Rabindranath Tagore and Patrick Geddes Reader on Education and Environment

B. Fraser, T. Mukherjee, & A. Sen (Eds.), (2017)
Confluence of Minds: The Rabindranath Tagore and Patrick Geddes Reader on Education and Environment
This collection of seminal correspondences between Indian Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore and Scottish polymath Robert Geddes are testimony to a great friendship and an eve...

Rabindranath Tagore: An Introduction to their Ideas on Education and the Environment

Fraser, B. (2017)
Rabindranath Tagore: An Introduction to their Ideas on Education and the Environment. In B. Fraser, T. Mukherjee, & A. Sen (Eds.), Confluence of Minds: The Rabindranath Tagore and Patrick Geddes Reader on Education and Environment, 1-13. Edinburgh, Scotland: Luath Press
No abstract available.

The Homing Bird

Fraser, B. (2017)
The Homing Bird. Devonshire, UK: Indigo Dreams Publishing
No abstract available.

The Spirit of India: An Exploration of Rabindranath Tagore’s and Mahatma Gandhi’s Ideas on Nationalism

Fraser, B. (2016)
The Spirit of India: An Exploration of Rabindranath Tagore’s and Mahatma Gandhi’s Ideas on Nationalism. In K. Tuteja, & K. Chakraborty (Eds.), Tagore and Nationalism, 245-256. BioMed Central. doi:10.1007/978-81-322-3696-2_16
Rabindranath’s stand on the ideas of nation and nationalism has become a part of a national debate that often left him isolated and misunderstood in his own country. This pape...

The New Scots: Migration and Diaspora in Scottish South Asian Poetry

Community in Modern Scottish Literature, 214-234. Brill Rodopi. doi:10.1163/9789004317451_013

Community in Modern Scottish Literature, 214-234. Brill Rodopi. doi:10.1163/9789004317451_013
This chapter examines the poetry of Scottish South Asians, the "New Scots" who bring a whole history of displacement, dislocation and relocation with them, as their memory of...

Letters to my Mother and other Mothers.

Fraser, B. (2015)
Letters to my Mother and other Mothers. Luath Press Ltd
A book of original poems.


Fraser, B. (2014)
Poems. In Six Seasons ReviewThe University Press Limited (UPL

Tagore on the Creative Principle.

Fraser, B. (2014)
Tagore on the Creative Principle. In I. Chaudhuri (Ed.), Tagore's Vision of the Contemporary WorldHaranand Publications/ICCR

Indian Writing in English.

Fraser, B. (2013)
Indian Writing in English. In EncyclopeadiaSahitya Akad



