5 results

What Do Robots Sound Like? Ep 01 - Dr Iain McGregor

Digital Artefact
McGregor, I. (2024)
What Do Robots Sound Like? Ep 01 - Dr Iain McGregor. [Podcast]
Interviews on the topic of sound for human-robot interactions. Game audio designer Ali Tocher enjoys long form conversations with a wide range of guests. This episode’s guest ...

Diabetes research: at Edinburgh Napier University's School of Computing

Digital Artefact
Ryan, B., & Webster, G. (2020)
Diabetes research: at Edinburgh Napier University's School of Computing. [Blog]
This 'Diabetes Research' blog is initially about the seed-project 'Information Avoidance and diabetes'. This project is an initial investigation of how and why people with dia...

Designing vehicle sounds

Digital Artefact
McGregor, I. (2018)
Designing vehicle sounds. [Website]
Sound is intrinsically linked to vehicles, drivers use it to monitor their actions and vehicle mechanical condition. Pedestrians and other road users rely on sound to prevent ...

Listening loudspeakers: a quieter and more intelligible world

Digital Artefact
McGregor, I. (2017)
Listening loudspeakers: a quieter and more intelligible world. [Website]
Loudspeakers can now truly be described as ubiquitous, being part of many portable and fixed technologies. They are an important part of everyday life, providing both entertai...

Designers are seizing Wall Street – but can they improve your life?

Digital Artefact
Buwert, P. (2016)
Designers are seizing Wall Street – but can they improve your life?
Designers are seizing Wall Street – but can they improve your life?