4 results

Knowledge management or information overload? The contribution the special library can make to the knowledge management of an organisation

Journal Article
Hall, H. (1998)
Knowledge management or information overload? The contribution the special library can make to the knowledge management of an organisation. ADLG newsletter, 10(1), 8-10
No abstract available.

Setting the context for teaching business information

Journal Article
Hall, H. (1996)
Setting the context for teaching business information. Aslib Proceedings, 48(1), 9-15. https://doi.org/10.1108/eb051404
How do we teach information management students about the business environment? • How can we design courses on information sources and services provision that interest and mot...

Information strategy: a new item for the textile industry's agenda

Journal Article
Hall, H. (1994)
Information strategy: a new item for the textile industry's agenda. Journal of the Textile Institute, 85(4), 533-541. https://doi.org/10.1080/00405009408631299
A discussion of current thinking on the role of information as a business resource for competitive advantage leads to the conclusion that consideration should be given by the ...

Information strategy and manufacturing industry — Case studies in the Scottish textile industry

Journal Article
Hall, H. (1994)
Information strategy and manufacturing industry — Case studies in the Scottish textile industry. International Journal of Information Management, 14(4), 281-294. https://doi.org/10.1016/0268-4012%2894%2990005-1
The results are given of an investigation into the perception and use of information as a strategic resource for effective business performance and competitive advantage in th...