6 results

Automated Algorithm Selection: from Feature-Based to Feature-Free Approaches

Journal Article
Alissa, M., Sim, K., & Hart, E. (in press)
Automated Algorithm Selection: from Feature-Based to Feature-Free Approaches. Journal of Heuristics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10732-022-09505-4
We propose a novel technique for algorithm-selection, applicable to optimisation domains in which there is implicit sequential information encapsulated in the data, e.g., in o...

Minimising line segments in linear diagrams is NP-hard

Journal Article
Chapman, P., Sim, K., & Hao Chen, H. (2022)
Minimising line segments in linear diagrams is NP-hard. Journal of Computer Languages, 71, Article 101136. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cola.2022.101136
Linear diagrams have been shown to be an effective method of representing set-based data. Moreover, a number of guidelines have been proven to improve the efficacy of linear d...

Use of machine learning techniques to model wind damage to forests

Journal Article
Hart, E., Sim, K., Kamimura, K., Meredieu, C., Guyon, D., & Gardiner, B. (2019)
Use of machine learning techniques to model wind damage to forests. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 265, 16-29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.10.022
This paper tested the ability of machine learning techniques, namely artificial neural networks and random forests, to predict the individual trees within a forest most at r...

On Constructing Ensembles for Combinatorial Optimisation

Journal Article
Hart, E., & Sim, K. (2018)
On Constructing Ensembles for Combinatorial Optimisation. Evolutionary Computation, 26(1), 67-87. https://doi.org/10.1162/evco_a_00203
Although the use of ensemble methods in machine-learning is ubiquitous due to their proven ability to outperform their constituent algorithms, ensembles of optimisation algori...

A hyper-heuristic ensemble method for static job-shop scheduling.

Journal Article
Hart, E., & Sim, K. (2016)
A hyper-heuristic ensemble method for static job-shop scheduling. Evolutionary Computation, 24(4), 609-635. https://doi.org/10.1162/EVCO_a_00183
We describe a new hyper-heuristic method NELLI-GP for solving job-shop scheduling problems (JSSP) that evolves an ensemble of heuristics. The ensemble adopts a divide-and-conq...

A Lifelong Learning Hyper-heuristic Method for Bin Packing.

Journal Article
Hart, E., Sim, K., & Paechter, B. (2015)
A Lifelong Learning Hyper-heuristic Method for Bin Packing. Evolutionary Computation, 23(1), 37-67. https://doi.org/10.1162/EVCO_a_00121
We describe a novel Hyper-heuristic system which continuously learns over time to solve a combinatorial optimisation problem. The system continuously generates new heuristics ...