92 results

An exploration of the lived experience of co-dependency through interpretative phenomenological analysis. Implications for occupational science.

Presentation / Conference
Bacon, I., McKay, E. A., & Reynolds, F. (2017, September)
An exploration of the lived experience of co-dependency through interpretative phenomenological analysis. Implications for occupational science. Paper presented at The 4th Conference of Occupational Science Europe: Meeting in Diversity - Occupation as a Common Ground, Hildesheim, Germany

Occupational therapists' views of colleagues with seen and unseen disabilities.

Presentation / Conference
McKay, E. A., Quille, A., & MacLean, L. (2017, March)
Occupational therapists' views of colleagues with seen and unseen disabilities. Paper presented at AOTA Annual Conference, Philadelphia, USA

"It's just the abuse that needs to stop": Social worker decision making regarding sibling living and contact arrangements in cases involving sibling sexual behaviour

Presentation / Conference
Yates, P. (2016, September)
"It's just the abuse that needs to stop": Social worker decision making regarding sibling living and contact arrangements in cases involving sibling sexual behaviour. Paper presented at NOTA Annual Conference, Brighton, UK
Somewhere between a third and a half of sexual abuse perpetrated by children and young people involves siblings as victims (Hackett et al., 1998; Ryan 2010). Sibling sexual ab...

Enabling the participation of students with disabilities in health and human professions.

Presentation / Conference
Jarus, T., Sachs, D., Magnus, E., Nolan, C., Lee, M., Horghagen, S., …Shoham, S. (2016, June)
Enabling the participation of students with disabilities in health and human professions. Paper presented at 1st COTEC-ENOTHE Congress

Exploring transitions of occupational therapy graduates with seen and unseen disabilities.

Presentation / Conference
McKay, E. A., Magnus, E., Nolan, C., Horghagen, S., Eerola, M., Amin, M., & Keily, S. (2016, June)
Exploring transitions of occupational therapy graduates with seen and unseen disabilities. Paper presented at 1st COTEC-ENOTHE Congress

Valuing the edges: exploring the process of belonging with people with learning disabilities and their support workers.

Presentation / Conference
Coetzee, S., McKay, E. A., Bryant, W., & Nicholls, L. (2016, June)
Valuing the edges: exploring the process of belonging with people with learning disabilities and their support workers. Paper presented at 1st COTEC-ENOTHE Congress

Social workers’ thinking processes in cases involving sexual behaviour between siblings

Presentation / Conference
Yates, P. (2016, January)
Social workers’ thinking processes in cases involving sexual behaviour between siblings. Presented at Heart and Head: Messages from research and practice on supporting effective judgement in social work, Stirling, Scotland
Dr. Peter Yates, Lecturer in Child and Pubic Protection at Edinburgh Napier University, will present an overview of findings from his doctoral research examining social worker...

Disclosure on transitioning to the labour market for graduates with disabilities.

Presentation / Conference
Amin, M., Eerola, M., Horghagen, S., Kiely, S., Magnus, E., McKay, E., & Nolan, C. (2015, May)
Disclosure on transitioning to the labour market for graduates with disabilities. Paper presented at NNDR 13th Research Conference
Research Aim: This paper will bring together various research strands from international multidisciplinary perspectives on the transition to the workplace for graduates with s...

'It said what it did on the tin'. Exploring the graduates perspectives of the graduate entry masters occupational therapy programmed.

Presentation / Conference
McKay, E. A., Fouhy, R., & Wilson, L. (2014, June)
'It said what it did on the tin'. Exploring the graduates perspectives of the graduate entry masters occupational therapy programmed. Paper presented at 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapist

Diversity in higher education - inclusion for students with various disabilities.

Presentation / Conference
Sachs, D., Jarvis, T., Magnus, E., Nolan, C., & McKay, E. A. (2014, June)
Diversity in higher education - inclusion for students with various disabilities. Presented at 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapy