22 results

The sustainable festival city and local communities: Engaging secondary stakeholders through placemaking

Presentation / Conference
We will present initial findings from our research which considers how Edinburgh’s (UK) festivals and tourism sectors can deliver sustainable community engagement. Our study a...

Public engagement in the Business School: What is public engagement and how can TBS researchers engage with their publics?

Presentation / Conference
Todd, L. (2023, December)
Public engagement in the Business School: What is public engagement and how can TBS researchers engage with their publics?. Presented at Tourism & Languages Research Seminar, Edinburgh
This seminar and workshop will provide an overview of Public Engagement (PE) with research in the Business School. It will introduce the University’s Public Engagement Funding...

Understanding community engagement with tourism: participative and creative methods for post-pandemic times

Presentation / Conference
Todd, L. (2022, August)
Understanding community engagement with tourism: participative and creative methods for post-pandemic times. Presented at International Conference on Tourism and Business (ICTB), Lucerne University of Applied Science and Arts, Lucerne Switzerland

With Tourists: The intersection of gazing with arts-based research, as artist, researcher, and viewer

Presentation / Conference
Todd, L. (2022, June)
With Tourists: The intersection of gazing with arts-based research, as artist, researcher, and viewer. Paper presented at Critical Tourism Studies IX: With in Dangerous Times, Mao, Menorca
My presentation extends the existing photographically framed understanding of the tourist gaze (Urry & Larsen, 2011) through arts-based research. There is much research devote...

Arts-based research and the intersected tourist gaze

Presentation / Conference
Todd, L. (2022, June)
Arts-based research and the intersected tourist gaze. Paper presented at Future Visualities: Visual Methods & Ethnography in Interdisciplinary Research Symposium, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh
There is an extant of research devoted to the ocular nature of tourism as a set of visual practices, and accordingly, to the tourist gaze thesis (Urry & Larsen, 2011). Within ...

Online walking and mapping: understanding residents’ engagement with Edinburgh’s festival city spaces and places

Presentation / Conference
Todd, L. (2022, May)
Online walking and mapping: understanding residents’ engagement with Edinburgh’s festival city spaces and places. Paper presented at CHME 2022: The Human Touch in Hospitality, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh
My paper presents an exploratory and collaborative public engagement with research study; and considers its potential to inform future festivals planning in Edinburgh as the f...

Mapping the visual culture of Edinburgh’s festival city tourist gaze: drawing as autoethnography

Presentation / Conference
Todd, L. (2020, September)
Mapping the visual culture of Edinburgh’s festival city tourist gaze: drawing as autoethnography. Paper presented at The Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future (Royal Anthropological Institute annual conference), Online
Today, travel and tourism are increasingly becoming strategies for taking and sharing photographs. This is evidenced through the exponential growth of digital social media pla...

Semiotics of the festival city: exploring the visual culture of Edinburgh. . Paper presented at Special Track: Visual Tourism

Presentation / Conference
Todd, L., & Logan-McFarlane, A. (2020, September)
Semiotics of the festival city: exploring the visual culture of Edinburgh. . Paper presented at Special Track: Visual Tourism. Paper presented at ATLAS annual conference 2020: Tourism as a driver of regional development and collaboration, Online
This paper presents emerging themes from our study of the semiotics that sustain the visual culture, consumption and place myth of Edinburgh, as the ‘world’s leading festival ...

Semiotics of Edinburgh as the festival city: exploring visual representations of management and local community stakeholders

Presentation / Conference
Todd, L. (2020, September)
Semiotics of Edinburgh as the festival city: exploring visual representations of management and local community stakeholders. Paper presented at Festivals and the City: The Festivalisation of Public Space, RGS-IBG Symposium sponsored by the Geographies of Leisure & Tourism Research Group, Online
I will explore how two distinct strategic management and local community stakeholder groups engage with a festival city through their visual portrayals of festival spaces. Inf...

Semiotics of Edinburgh as the festival city: exploring management and community stakeholders’ visual representations of festival spaces

Presentation / Conference
Todd, L. (2020, September)
Semiotics of Edinburgh as the festival city: exploring management and community stakeholders’ visual representations of festival spaces. Paper presented at Festivals and the City: The Festivalisation of Public Space, RGS-IBG Symposium, London
I will explore how two distinct strategic management and local community stakeholder groups engage with a festival city through their visual portrayals of festival spaces. Inf...